
Mystify: Michael Hutchence is a movie starring Helena Christensen, Michael Hutchence, and Bob Geldof. Ghost Pictures and Passion Pictures and a documentary feature about the troubled heart and soul of Michael Hutchence, lead singer
creator - Richard Lowenstein
cast - Bob Geldof

INXS Definitive INXS Mystify Todos os véus e enevoadas Ruas de azul Almond parece devine Esse frio algum momento de seda vai para sempre E estamos deixando corações partidos para trás Mystify Mystify mim Mystify Mystify mim eu preciso perfeição Alguns seleção torcida. Que m emaranhados Para manter-me vivo Em tudo o que existe Bem, nenhum deles tem a sua beleza Eu vejo seu rosto e eu vou sobreviver Mystify Mystify mim Mystify Mystify mim Eternamente selvagem com o poder Para fazer a cada momento vem vivo Todas aquelas estrelas que brilham em cima de você vou beijar você toda noite Todos os véus e enevoadas Ruas de azul Almond parece devine Esse frio algum momento de seda vai para sempre E estamos deixando Sim, estamos deixando para trás corações partidos Mystify Mystify mim Mystify Mystify mim Você é eternamente selvagem com o poder Para fazer a cada momento vem vivo Todas aquelas estrelas que brilham em cima de você E vou te beijar todas as noites Mystify Mystify mim Mystify Mystify mim Mystify Mystify mim Mystify All veils and misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Some silken moment Goes on forever And we're leaving Broken hearts behind Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me I need perfection Some twisted selection That tangles me To keep me alive In all that exists Well, none has your beauty I see your face and I will survive Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Eternally wild with the power To make every moment come alive All those stars that shine upon you Will kiss you every night All veils and misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Some silken moment Goes on forever And we're leaving Yeah we're leaving broken hearts behind Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me You're eternally wild with the power To make every moment come alive All those stars that shine upon you And they'll kiss you every night Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me.
Luved Michael Hutchence so much. Loved his unique music style. He was like the Australian Jim Morrison. Very sexy. He was one of my kind. So sad. All the good ones are gone 2 soon. R.i.p. Michael.
Ca khúc Mystify do ca sĩ INXS thể hiện, thuộc thể loại Pop. Các bạn có thể nghe, download (tải nhạc) bài hát mystify mp3, playlist/album, MV/Video mystify miễn phí tại.
Tune still rocks the day it was recorded.
Mystify. Tras el cantante de ins deutsch. Well its now 2020. and I just wish I could. DISAPPEAR! Back to the 80s! Anyone else. PERM. oh come on! where are u from. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs tour. 
Letras de INXS Album: The Years 1979 - 1997 "Mystify" All veils and misty streets of blue almond looks that chill divine some silken moment goes on forever and we're leaving broken hearts behind Mystify mystify me mystify I need perfection some twisted selection that tangles me to keep me alive In all that exists none have your beauty i see your face i will survive Eternally wild with the power to make every moment come alive all those stars that shine upon you will kiss you every night All veils and misty and we're leaving yeah we're leaving broken hearts behind You're eternally wild with the power and they'll kiss you every night submitted by michael hack.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs video. That was on my birthday RIP Michael. Mystify. Tras el cantante de inxs. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs youtube. Watched it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. A great choice of 'lookalike' actors to portray the band members. Looking forward to Part 2 next week.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs lyrics
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😭😭. One of the Best ever Bands! Thank you! Greetings from Portugal.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs de
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs songs
A más de 20 años de la muerte del emblemático cantante de INXS, la teoría sobre su muerte parece agrietarse KARLOVY VARY (República Checa. Conocer a Richard Lowenstein es sumergirse en imágenes que entrecruzan a U2, The Church y Pete Townshend, entre otros. Aunque, en realidad, dar con uno de los realizadores de videoclips más importantes de todos los tiempos es toparse con la silueta de Michael Hutchence como líder de INXS. Para ellos construyó buena parte de su mundo visual, desde "Burn Of You" 1984) hasta "Cut Your Roses Down" 1993) pasando por clásicos absolutos como los clips de "Need You Tonight. Suicide Blonde. By My Side" e incluso dos rodados en Praga en tiempos del comunismo: Never Tear Us Apart" con sus postales del Puente de Carlos y el cementerio judío de Josefov) y "New Sensation" rodado en el bello edificio de la Obecni Dum de esa ciudad. Por eso, volver a la República Checa para Lowenstein es una grata experiencia que aquí concreta de la mano del Festival de Cine de Karlovy Vary, donde proyectó a sala llena su documental, para el cual con solo el título huelgan las explicaciones: Mystify: Michael Hutchence. El 22 de noviembre de 1997 Hutchence moría en la habitación 524 del Ritz Carlton Hotel de Sídney y la prensa comenzaría a hablar de una muerte por ahorcamiento durante un juego sexual sadomasoquista. Al respecto, Lowenstein es concluyente: Tuve acceso a la autopsia y revela que no existió ningún juego sexual" confirma en diálogo con la nacion. -¿Cuánto tiempo le llevó hacer el documental? La primera entrevista la hice en 2009 con Bono, de U2, cuando pasó por Melbourne durante una gira. Tengo una productora en esa ciudad y trasladé mi equipo al lugar de filmación, que era en la misma ciudad. Eso me permitió llevar una cámara y un sonido apropiados, y eso quedó muy bien. Pero en realidad yo estaba haciendo una investigación, porque pensé que iba a hacer un drama de ficción, no un documental. Cuando hice esa entrevista con Bono me di cuenta de que debía hacer otras más y entrevisté con la misma intensidad a los integrantes de INXS y al manager de la banda. -¿Cuándo el proyecto de ficción de la vida de Hutchence se convirtió en un documental? Cuando estaba trabajando yo no era consciente sobre lo que estaba haciendo, hasta que se cruzó en mi camino un CEO de la Australian Broadcasting Corporation y me dijo: ¿Por qué no haces un documental sobre Michael. Y así comenzó todo. Entonces tuvimos que buscar financiación, conseguimos un productor inglés y fondos del gobierno y todo eso nos permitió poder rodarla. Fue un largo camino de cuatro años para conseguir financiación y tres para hacer la película. Dejé 500 horas de material considerando las entrevistas, el frondoso material de archivo, el material fotográfico y las filmaciones que Michael hacía todo el tiempo. Solo con un entrevistado era mucho tiempo, porque desde que llegaba la persona y decía "hola. me llevaba cinco horas de entrevista. Una hora se iba solo en conocer a la persona, luego venía la clásica: ¿Cómo conociste a Michael. y después venían las lágrimas. Fue todo un tema. -¿Alguien no quiso dar su testimonio? En realidad, no. Solo Helena Christensen fue la más difícil de entrevistar, pero nosotros teníamos un acuerdo, porque nos conocíamos de los tiempos en los que ella era la novia de Michael, y este era que ella iba a hablar hasta donde quisiera. Pero me pareció lo más comprensible, porque estuvo en el momento del accidente que cambió la vida de Michael para siempre. Pero la mayoría confió en mí, porque con todo lo que yo sabía de los años de INXS nunca fui a los medios y nunca dije nada inapropiado, lo que ayudó a que dieran el testimonio. Un manager tampoco quiso hablar, intenté convencerlo, pero no quiso, y me pareció apropiado, porque su testimonio también significaba exponer a la banda en la historia. -Su documental sostiene que Michael Hutchence no se suicidó en medio de juegos sexuales de carácter sadomasoquista. ¿Cómo arribó a esa conclusión? Llegué a esa conclusión por mí mismo, porque conocía a Michael muy bien, conocí a sus novias, y además porque pude acceder a la autopsia. No estoy de acuerdo con la teoría de que se ahorcó por un juego sexual porque entrevisté a muchas de sus compañeras y me confiaron su intimidad. Todas dijeron que le encantaba dar placer y que no había nada de ese tipo de juegos peligrosos y que era un gran amante. Veinte años después, cuando decido hacer la película, llamo a un periodista en Londres que tenía la autopsia. Yo quise buscar la causa de lo que pasó y tuve acceso a la autopsia, y revela que no existió ningún juego sexual, sino un daño en una zona del cerebro. El director Richard Lowenstein y Michael Hutchence, en los comienzos de la alianza entre INXS y el realizador de videoclips -¿Cómo es eso? Mi conclusión es que fue, en efecto, un suicidio, pero porque tenía el cerebro dañado. Nadie se dio cuenta de ese daño. Michael tendría que haber hecho un tratamiento psicológico con supervisión y medicación. A eso le sumamos que estaba borracho y sin dormir. Además existe una llamada que le hace a Paula Yates veinte minutos antes, en la que le pide ayuda y que esté con él porque se siente solo, y eso no tiene nada que ver con un juego sexual. Además, con la autopsia consulté a un psicólogo experto en Sídney, que fue concluyente respecto de que no existe evidencia de un juego sexual ni nada parecido, sino del daño en el lóbulo frontal a causa del accidente que había sufrido años atrás y que le había hecho perder el sentido del gusto. -¿Cómo era trabajar en un videoclip de INXS? ¿Michael ponía condiciones? Recuerdo que tenía completa libertad cuando trabajaba con él, no tenía ningún manager que me dijera qué hacer. Venía Michael y me decía: Esta es la canción, haz lo que quieras hacer. Hicimos "Need You Tonight" que fue número uno absoluto. Me pidieron otros videos, pero yo vivía en Praga entonces y el manager no tenía idea de dónde quedaba Praga y mucho menos de que era en un país comunista: No podemos ir a un país comunista a hacer rock, ¿quieres que acabemos todos presos. me dijo. Pero fue mi decisión mantenerme firme y Michael me apoyó muchísimo en eso. -La película tiene una ambivalencia entre el fervor y la nostalgia. ¿Fue un efecto buscado? Fuimos muy autocríticos mientras la hacíamos, pero queríamos hacer una película desde la intimidad de Michael y que fuera hecha por gente que realmente lo conoció de manera personal. Mi plan era que, al verla, la gente sienta que está hablando íntimamente con Michael, y me ayudó mucho todo el material de cámara que él mismo rodaba domésticamente. -¿Qué piensa del nuevo cantante de INXS? ¿Es posible reemplazar a Michael? Es imposible reemplazar a Michael, no estoy para nada a favor. Si Michael regresara y viera que alguien lo está reemplazando, entraría en shock. Pienso que lo más acertado hubiese sido cambiarle el nombre a la banda. Honestamente, creo que es todo una cuestión de dinero. ß ADEMÁS Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales. Aquel usuario que incluya en sus mensajes algún comentario violatorio del reglamento será eliminado e inhabilitado para volver a comentar. Enviar un comentario implica la aceptación del Reglamento. Para poder comentar tenés que ingresar con tu usuario de LA NACION.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs concert. All veils and misty streets of blue almond looks that chill divine some silken moment goes on forever and we're leaving broken hearts behind Mystify mystify me mystify mystify me I need perfection some twisted selection that tangles me to keep me alive In all that exists none have your beauty i see your face i will survive Mystify mystify me mystify mystify me Eternally wild with the power to make every moment come alive all those stars that shine upon you will kiss you every night All veils and misty streets of blue almond looks that chill divine some silken moment goes on forever and we're leaving yeah we're leaving broken hearts behind Mystify mystify me mystify mystify me You're eternally wild with the power to make every moment come alive all those stars that shine upon you and they'll kiss you every night Mystify mystify me mystify mystify me mystify mystify me mystify submitted by michael hack.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs members. A beautiful life lived fully, shared by those closest and dearest to Michael Hutchence and his own personal film collection, thank you to all who shared personal moments in telling his story. Sweet moments shown and a insight into who he was away from the stage - and his love of life. Watched this movie in a room full of silence with the odd tear heard, his brilliance still revered by many, his lyrical genius in writing, an amazing life from bullied teen to loved all over the world then and still now - an extraordinary talented man.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs cover. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs. He sure is HOT. and SEXY. They are like kids ! It's evident they enjoy the shooting ! Great song. INXS Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra) tom: C Dm Am All veils and misty G Streets of blue F Dm Am Almond looks That chill divine Some silken moment Goes on forever And we're leaving broken hearts behind Am Mystify C G Mystify me ( Dm-Am-G-F) I need perfection Some twisted selection That tangles me To keep me alive In all that exists None have your beauty I see your face I will survive Em7 G7 Eternally wild with the power To make every moment come alive All those stars that shine upon you Will kiss you every night And we're leaving Yeah we're leaving broken hearts behind You're eternally wild with the power And they'll kiss you every night Composição de Andrew Farriss / Michael Hutchence Colaboração e revisão: 13. 405 exibições Violão e guitarra Teclado Cavaco Ukulele Viola caipira.
Mystify. Tras el cantante de installation. Grupo: INXS, Australia, Sydney Componentes: Garry Gary Beers (vocals, bass) Andrew Farriss (keyboards, guitar) Jon Farriss (drums, vocals, percussion) Tim Farriss (synthesizer, bass, guitar) and Kirk Pengilly (saxophone, vocals, guitar) Categoría: Biografía - Fotos - Fotos 2 - Fondos - Discografía - Midis - Todas sus Canciones - Mejores Canciones - Enlaces - Artistas Similares - Conciertos - Videos Musicales INXS es una banda de Rock y New Wave de Australia. Su nombre es el acrónimo de In excess (en exceso. Fue formada el 16 de agosto de 1977 en Sydney. Historia En la escuela Preparatoria, el cantante Michael Hutchence conoció al teclista y guitarrista Andrew Farriss, en medio de una pelea en la que Mike estaba metido. Andrew logró ayudarlo y desde entonces fueron grandes amigos. Por esos años decidieron formar una banda junto al bajista Garry Gary Beers.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs albums. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs en. Mystify. Tras el cantante de institute. Mystify. Tras el cantante de inscription. Donnez l'adresse de cette page � vos amis: Ins�rez le clip sur votre blog ou votre site web. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs karaoke. "In Excess" redirects here. For the racehorse, see In Excess (horse. INXS INXS performing in 2007. Background information Also known as The Farriss Brothers Origin Frenchs Forest, New South Wales, Australia Genres New wave alternative rock post-punk dance-rock dance-punk Years active 1977–2012 Labels Atlantic Epic 101 Distribution Mercury DeLuxe WEA Eastwest Polydor Atco Petrol Electric Truism Associated acts Jimmy Barnes Terence Trent D'Arby Max Q Midnight Oil Jenny Morris Website www Past members Garry Gary Beers Andrew Farriss Jon Farriss Tim Farriss Michael Hutchence Kirk Pengilly Jon Stevens J. D. Fortune Ciaran Gribbin INXS (pronounced "in excess" were an Australian rock band, formed as The Farriss Brothers in 1977 in Sydney, New South Wales. [1] 2] The band's founding members were bassist Garry Gary Beers, main composer and keyboardist Andrew Farriss, drummer Jon Farriss, guitarist Tim Farriss, lead singer and main lyricist Michael Hutchence, and guitarist and saxophonist Kirk Pengilly. [3] For 20 years, INXS was fronted by Hutchence, whose magnetic stage presence made him the focal point of the band. [1] 3] Initially known for their new wave / pop style, the band later developed a harder pub rock and alternative rock style that included funk and dance elements. [1] In 1984, INXS had their first number-one hit in Australia with " Original Sin. The band would later achieve international success in the mid-to-late 1980s and early 1990s with the hit albums Listen Like Thieves, Kick, and X, as well as the singles " What You Need. Need You Tonight. the band's only number-one single in the United States. Devil Inside. Never Tear Us Apart. Suicide Blonde " and " New Sensation. 4] 5] 6] 7] Following Hutchence's death in November 1997, INXS made appearances with several guest singers and toured and recorded with Jon Stevens as lead singer beginning in 2002. [2] In 2005, members of INXS participated in Rock Star: INXS, a reality television series that culminated in the selection of Canadian J. Fortune as their new lead singer. Irish singer-songwriter Ciaran Gribbin replaced Fortune as lead singer in 2011. During a concert on 11 November 2012, INXS stated that the performance would be their last, although they did not announce the bands permanent retirement. INXS won six Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) awards, including three for "Best Group" in 1987, 1989 and 1992; 8] the band was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2001. [9] 10] INXS has sold an estimated 60 million records worldwide making them one of Australia's highest selling acts. [11] History [ edit] Early years [ edit] The origins of the band began with Andrew Farriss convincing his fellow Davidson High School classmate, Michael Hutchence, to join his band, Doctor Dolphin. [12] The band contained two further classmates, Kent Kerny and Neil Sanders, as well as Garry Beers and Geoff Kennely, both from a nearby high school, Forest High School. [12] In 1977, Tim Farriss, Andrew's older brother, invited Andrew, Hutchence and Beers to join him and his schoolmate Kirk Pengilly. Tim and Pengilly had been playing together since 1971 as either an acoustic duo, Kirk and Tim, or as a four-piece band called Guinness [12] named after their bass player's dog [13. Together with younger brother Jon Farriss they formed "The Farriss Brothers" who consisted of Garry Beers on bass guitar, Andrew Farriss on keyboards, Jon Farriss on drums, Tim Farriss on lead guitar, Michael Hutchence on lead vocals and Kirk Pengilly on guitar and saxophone. [1] 3] 14] The band made their debut on 16 August 1977 at Whale Beach, 15] 40 km (25 mi) north of Sydney. [15] The parents of the Farriss boys relocated to Perth, Western Australia in 1978, taking Jon to continue his schooling and, as soon as Hutchence and Andrew finished school, the rest of the band followed. [2] 15] They briefly performed as The Vegetables, singing "We Are the Vegetables" before returning to Sydney ten months later, 15] where they recorded a set of demos. [12] At a chance meeting in the car park of the Narrabeen Antler, a pub in Narrabeen on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, New South Wales, Tim was approached by Gary Morris, the manager of Midnight Oil. [12] The band began to regularly support Midnight Oil and other local bands. Morris advised that a member of the Oils crew had come up with a new name and suggested they change it to INXS. [12] The name INXS was inspired by English band XTC and Australian jam makers IXL. [2] 15] Pengilly later explained that Morris was interested in turning the group into a Christian band, which the band briefly considered before rejecting the idea. [12] The band's first performance as INXS was on 1 September 1979 at the Ocean Beach Hotel in Umina [16] on the Central Coast of New South Wales and by the end of 1979, after passing on the Christian band image, they hired Chris "CM" Murphy as their manager and continued taking on the Oz pub circuit. [2] 13] 15] 17] Murphy was an adept business manager and negotiator and by early 1980 the band had signed a five-album record deal with a Sydney independent label, Deluxe Records, run by Michael Browning, a former manager of AC/DC. [1] 2] 12] 1980s [ edit] From "Simple Simon" to Shabooh Shoobah [ edit] INXS released their first single. Simple Simon. We Are the Vegetables. in Australia and France in May 1980. [1] 13] 18] The single had its debut TV performance on Simon Townsend's Wonder World. [15] Their self-titled debut album, INXS, was recorded at Trafalgar Studios in Annandale, Sydney, it was co-produced by the band and Duncan McGuire (ex- Ayers Rock) with all songs attributed to the entire band, at the insistence of Murphy. [12] 13] Deluxe gave them a budget of 10, 000 to record the album, so to keep within the budget they had to record from midnight to dawn, usually after doing one or more performances earlier that night. [13] The album was released in October 1980. It featured "Just Keep Walking" which was their first Australian Top 40 single, 1] 4] with the album peaking in the Top 30 of the Kent Music Report for Australian albums. [1] 3] 4] The album eventually went gold (selling over 35, 000 units) but it took a number of years to do so. [12] These early records demonstrated their new wave / ska /pop style, and were followed by near constant touring with almost 300 shows during 1981 as the band developed their status as a live act. [1] 2] In 1981, they signed Gary Grant as their tour manager, who then became co-manager a year later. [12] Between touring commitments, the band released their third single in May 1981. The Loved One. which was a cover of a 1966 song by Australian group The Loved Ones. The song was recorded at Studios 301 in Sydney, 12] produced by Richard Clapton, 3] and peaked in the Top 20. [1] 4] 18] The success of the single led to Clapton and the band returning to Studios 301 between July and August 1981 to create an album. In October 1981, their second album Underneath the Colours was released and became a hit in Australia peaking at No. 15. [4] Soon after recording sessions had finished, band members started work on outside projects. Beers, Jon and Andrew Farriss played on Clapton's solo album, The Great Escape. Hutchence recorded "Speed Kills" written by Don Walker of Cold Chisel for the soundtrack of the film Freedom directed by Scott Hicks. It was his first solo single and was released by WEA in early 1982. [12] In January, INXS toured New Zealand as support act for Cold Chisel. Band manager, Murphy, became convinced their future no longer lay with Deluxe Records. RCA (who distributed Deluxe) had employed music lover Rockin Rod Woods, who had been promoting Eric Clapton, Split Enz and some of the world's biggest acts. Woods was passionate about the band and brought key music people along to their gigs. He encouraged RCA to sign them worldwide because Murphy had played him some demos. Deluxe had been unable to attract international interest, and decided to record a new song. The One Thing " at their own expense, with Mark Opitz at Paradise Studios. [12] The song turned out so well that Murphy hired Opitz to produce three more songs. [13] Murphy approached WEA Australia with copies of the song, leading to INXS signing a recording deal in July 1982 with WEA for releases in Australia, South East Asia, Japan and New Zealand, Atco Records (a subsidiary of Atlantic Records) for North America and Polygram for Europe and the UK. [1] 2] 3] 12] Murphy and the band were not entirely convinced that Opitz could produce an entire album that would attract international interest, so prior to recording their third album Pengilly, Hutchence and Andrew Farriss visited the UK and USA, with a view to selecting a suitable producer, only to find that no one they wanted was available and that most people advised them that Opitz's work on their single was as good as they could wish for. [12] In mid-1982, they began recording at Rhinoceros Studios, with Opitz. [3] In October 1982, Shabooh Shoobah was released internationally on Atlantic/Atco Records, peaking at No. 52 on the US Billboard 200 and No. 46 on the Hot Pop Albums chart. [7] 19] In Australia it peaked at No. 5 and remained in the albums charts for 94 weeks. [4] The single "The One Thing" brought them their first Top 30 hit in United States peaking at No. 30 on 28 May 1983, 20] it was a Top 20 hit in Canada, 6] and peaked at No. 14 in Australia on 23 August 1982. [4] One Thing" was their first video to air on the fledgling MTV and significantly added to the ultimate success of the single. [13] 13 February 1983, saw INXS play the Stop the Drop Nuclear Disarmament concert to 14, 000 at the Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne, alongside Midnight Oil, Colin Hay, Redgum and Goanna. It was simulcast on Australian TV by Channel 10 and Radio 2MMM. INXS undertook their first US performance in San Diego in March 1983, to a crowd of 24 patrons. [12] Their first tour was as support for Adam and the Ants, then support for Stray Cats, The Kinks, 1] Hall & Oates followed by The Go-Go's. [12] 13] INXS played alongside many of their contemporaries on New Wave Day in May 1983, at the US Festival in Devore, California. [21] It was during this time that Grant, their co-manager, relocated permanently to New York to ensure a continual presence in the northern hemisphere. [12] The band remained on the road in the US for most of the year, including support for Men at Work and by mid-1983 were headlining venues such as The Ritz in New York. [12] From "Original Sin" to Listen Like Thieves [ edit] INXS started out as a new wave act, but gradually moved in a more straight-ahead rock-oriented direction through the first half of the 1980s. [22] Following a performance in Toronto, Canada, the band was approached by producer Nile Rodgers; by September 1983, the band had recorded " Original Sin. originally entitled "Brand New Day" at New York's Power Station Studios. [12] Three tracks from Shabooh Shoobah were featured in the soundtrack for the 1984 film Reckless. [23] The band then travelled to the UK to begin sessions on their fourth album with Nick Launay at the Manor Studios in Oxford. [12] The album The Swing, released in April 1984, 3] received significant attention from around the world, as "Original Sin" became the band's first No. 1 single in Australia and was popular worldwide with fans and reviewers. [24] During 1984, the single reached no. 1 in Australia (for two weeks in January. 4] Argentina, and France; No. 6 in New Zealand; No. 11 in Canada; No. 23 in Switzerland; 25] No. 31 in the Netherlands; and No. 58 in the U. S. [6] Yet "Original Sin" was largely ignored in the U. K., where INXS was described in New Musical Express as a "depressingly definitive example of excruciating, boring, incredibly unimaginative MTV rock. 1] 26] 27] INXS did not have any Top 50 chart success in the United Kingdom until the 1985 album Listen Like Thieves. [28] During 1984, INXS toured non-stop, performing across Europe, the UK, the US and Australia. By December 1984, The Swing had gone double platinum, making it one of the five biggest domestic albums in the history of Australian music at the time. [12] In March 1985, the band re-entered Sydney's Rhinoceros Studios to record their next album, together with producer Chris Thomas ( Sex Pistols, Pink Floyd, The Pretenders, Elton John. 12] As the band was finishing the recording sessions, Thomas stated that the album was not good enough and still had no "killer" track. Andrew produced a demo tape of a funk song he had been working on called "Funk Song No. 13" and evolved it into " What You Need. 12] Whilst the band was recording, WEA released Dekadance, a limited edition 12" Vinyl and cassette only EP of INXS remixes from their albums The Swing and Shabooh Shoobah. [3] On 19 May 1985, INXS won seven awards at the 1984 Countdown Music and Video Awards ceremony. [1] They performed " Burn for You. dressed in Akubras (hats) and Drizabones (outdoor coats/oilskin jackets. The band performed five songs for the July 1985 Oz for Africa concert, in conjunction with the Live Aid benefit. [29] Two INXS songs. What You Need " and " Don't Change. were also in the BBC broadcast and are contained on Live Aid's four DVD boxed set released in 2004. [30] Listen Like Thieves was released in October 1985 [3] to critical approval, 31] reaching No. 3 on the Australian charts and No. 11 on the US charts. With the release of Listen Like Thieves, the band developed a rock sound influenced by Led Zeppelin and XTC while remaining true to the band's original roots in Aussie pubs. It was also the first album to feature songs written by a combination of band members, with Andrew Farris and Hutchence becoming the primary songwriters in the years to follow. [13] The first U. single from the album. This Time. stalled at No. 81 in late 1985, but the next single, What You Need"—released there in early 1986—became a top five Billboard hit, 6] bringing INXS its first break-out US success. The single was also a top 20 hit in Canada and reached No. 2 in Australia (September 1985. 4] but only reached No. 51 on the UK charts. [28] The British press dismissed the album, with New Musical Express calling the band 'INX-cusable' and a reviewer declaring Listen Like Thieves to be a 'complete and utter turkey. 12] In the United States, however, Rolling Stone wrote: INXS rocks with passion and seals the deal with a backbeat that'll blackmail your feet. 31] In August 1985, INXS toured ahead of the release of Listen Like Thieves, touring South America before returning to Melbourne to play for Prince Charles and Princess Diana of Wales at a concert. The concert was filmed and later released on a home video entitled Living INXS; 32] an edited version of the concert was played on MTV in the U. in 1985 on its Saturday night concert series. In November, December, January, and February, INXS toured North America, Europe, and New Zealand. The band then took a two-month break, with Andrew Farriss writing and producing "You're Gonna Get Hurt" for Jenny Morris (who had previously been a backing vocalist with the band. 33] and Hutchence featuring in Richard Lowenstein 's second feature film Dogs in Space. [34] Lowenstein had previously made the video clip for "Dancing on the Jetty. Whilst a song from the movie, Rooms for the Memory" written by Ollie Olsen, with vocals by Hutchence [35] charted, the movie was received well by critics but was not a commercial success. Beginning in May 1986, the band performed 32 European shows (including support for Queen at their Live at Wembley '86 concert on 12 July) 42 U. shows, and 12 Australian shows. America's influential Musician magazine called INXS "the best live band in the world. 12] From "Good Times" to Kick [ edit] Lead singer Michael Hutchence in 1986. Whilst on an eight-month break before beginning work on a new album, their manager Murphy decided to stage a series of major outdoor concerts across Australia, featuring INXS, Jimmy Barnes, Models, Divinyls, Mental as Anything, The Triffids and I'm Talking. [15] To promote the tour INXS recorded two songs with Jimmy Barnes of Cold Chisel: The Easybeats cover " Good Times " and "Laying Down the Law" which Barnes co-wrote with Beers, Andrew Farriss, Jon Farriss, Hutchence and Pengilly. [36] Good Times" was used as the theme song for the Australian Made series of concerts in the summer of 1986–1987. [15] It peaked at No. 2 on the Australian charts, 4] and months later was featured in the Joel Schumacher film The Lost Boys and its soundtrack, 37] 38] allowing it to peak at No. 47 in the US on 1 August 1987. [6] 20] After the success of "What You Need" and Listen Like Thieves, the band knew their new material would have to be even better and wanted every song on the album to be good enough to be a single. [15] They recorded Kick in Sydney and Paris, and it was produced by Chris Thomas. [3] Atlantic Records was not happy with the result; the label offered the band 1 million to go back to Australia and record another album, but the band declined. [15] Despite Atlantic's protests, Kick was released in October 1987 and provided the band with worldwide popularity. The album peaked at No. 1 in Australia, 4] No. 3 on the US Billboard 200, 19] No. 9 in UK, 28] and No. 15 in Austria. [39] It was an upbeat, confident album that yielded four Top 10 US singles: No. 1 single " Need You Tonight. Devil Inside. New Sensation. and " Never Tear Us Apart. 6] Need You Tonight" peaked No. 2 on the UK charts, 28] No. 3 in Australia, 4] and No. 10 in France. [40] The band toured heavily behind the album throughout 1987 and 1988. The video for the 1987 INXS track "Mediate" which played after the video for "Need You Tonight" replicated the format of Bob Dylan's video for " Subterranean Homesick Blues. even in its use of apparently deliberate errors. In September 1988, the band swept the MTV Video Music Awards with the video for "Need You Tonight/Mediate" winning in 5 categories. [41] Kick was, by far, INXS's best-selling album of all time. During 1989, Hutchence collaborated with Ian "Ollie" Olsen on a side project, Max Q, 1] the two had previously worked together on Lowenstein's film Dogs in Space. The rest of the band also took a break to work on side projects, but soon returned to the studio to record their follow-up album to Kick. 1990–1997: From X to Elegantly Wasted [ edit] In October 1990, INXS released X, which was produced by Chris Thomas. The album peaked at No. 3 in Australia, 5] No. 5 in the US, 19] No. 2 in the UK, 28] No. 5 in Switzerland and No. 10 in Sweden. [7] 42] It followed in the same vein as Kick, and added harmonica to some songs. X scored hits with " Suicide Blonde " and " Disappear. both Top 10 in the US. 6] Suicide Blonde" peaked at No. 2 in Australia, No. 11 in the UK [28] and in Switzerland. [43] Other singles from X were " Bitter Tears " and " By My Side. which had less chart success. [1] INXS performed at Wembley Stadium on 13 July 1991, during their "Summer XS" tour stop in London to a sold-out audience of 74, 000 fans. [1] This performance was recorded and filmed to become Live Baby Live, a live album that was released in November 1991 and peaked in the Top 30 in the Australia and UK album charts. [5] 28] The album had less success on The Billboard 200. [19] A video version of the album was also released under the same title. This concert was the band's most well-attended show of all time; according to a 2017 article by Paul Donoughue of, it "solidified [INXS's] place in pop history. 44] On 28 March 1992, INXS performed at the controversial Concert for Life at Centennial Park in Sydney (a fundraiser for the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Centre) and other performers included Crowded House, Yothu Yindi, Jenny Morris, Diesel, Ratcat and Def FX. Due to inclement weather, the expected attendance of 100, 000 never came through, and the event only raised 500, 000. [45] Welcome to Wherever You Are, produced by Mark Opitz and released in August 1992, 3] was an experimental album using sitars and a 60-piece orchestra while adding a more "raw" sound. It received good critical reviews and went No. 1 in the UK [28] and in Sweden; 46] No. 2 in Australia and Switzerland, 46] and No. 3 in Norway, 46] but had less chart success in the US (peaking at No. 16. 19] Singles from the album included " Taste It " and " Baby Don't Cry. which were Top 20 successes in UK but had less success in US and Australian markets. [5] 6] 28] Full Moon, Dirty Hearts, produced by Opitz, was released in November 1993 and peaked at No. 3 on the UK charts, 28] No. 4 in Australia, 5] No. 8 in Sweden, 47] No. 9 in Switzerland, 47] No. 14 in Norway; 47] it did not reach the Top 50 in the US. [19] The title track featured The Pretenders ' Chrissie Hynde, and another track- Please (You Got That) —featured Ray Charles. The band made a full video album for the record using unknown Australian students to direct with help from Richard Lowenstein. Full Moon, Dirty Hearts received mixed reviews, and was the last record under INXS' contract with Atlantic in the States. The band took time off to rest and be with their families, while Hutchence remained in the public eye through modelling and film acting. [1] In 1997, the group released a comeback album titled Elegantly Wasted, which garnered mixed reviews. It fared respectably in Australia (No. 14. 5] 48] Canada (No. 14. 19] France (No. 30. 48] UK (No. 16) 28] where INXS had more success in the 1990s than in the 1980s) Belgium (No. 7. 48] Switzerland (No. 13. 48] but only No. 41 in US. [19] On 22 November 1997, Michael Hutchence was found dead in his Sydney Ritz-Carlton hotel room. [49] On 6 February 1998, New South Wales State Coroner Derrick Hand presented his report, which ruled that Hutchence's death was a suicide while depressed and under the influence of drugs and alcohol. [49] 50] 51] Despite the official coroner's report, there was continued speculation that Hutchence's death was accidental. [52] 53] 1997–2003: Transitional years [ edit] The instrumentalists from INXS collaborated with several Australian singers before settling on Jon Stevens as a replacement for Hutchence. After Hutchence's death, INXS did not perform publicly for almost a year, and then only made a few one-off performances with different guest singers until 2000. [2] On 28 November 1998, they played at the Mushroom 25 Concert with Jimmy Barnes fronting for two songs: The Loved One" and "Good Times. 2] 16] On 12 June 1999, they headlined the opening of Stadium Australia in Sydney, with US singer-songwriter Terence Trent D'Arby and Russell Hitchcock as guest vocalists, they performed "New Sensation. Kick. Never Tear Us Apart" and "What You Need. 2] 16] In December 2000, INXS performed a concert with singers Suze DeMarchi and Jon Stevens sharing the spotlight. The former lead singer of Australian band Noiseworks, Jon Stevens began singing with INXS on regular basis. [2] INXS played as one of the headline acts at the Sydney 2000 Olympics and then toured through South America and Europe. [16] Stevens was officially named a member of INXS in 2002, and the band started recording new material in November. [2] Stevens left the band in October 2003 to pursue a solo career, 2] and only recorded a contractual obligation song called " I Get Up. " 2004–2005: Rock Star: INXS [ edit] INXS returned to the news in 2004 when it was announced that a new reality television program titled Rock Star: INXS would feature a contest to find a new lead vocalist for the band. The show, which debuted on the CBS network on 11 July 2005, featured 15 contestants vying for the position of lead singer. The show was executive produced by Survivor ' s Mark Burnett and hosted by Brooke Burke and Jane's Addiction and former Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Dave Navarro. On 20 September 2005, J. Fortune won the eleven-week competition, which culminated in his singing the Rolling Stones 's " You Can't Always Get What You Want " and INXS' What You Need" in the finale to become the new lead singer of INXS. 2005–2011: J. Fortune era [ edit] With Fortune as lead singer, INXS released the single "Pretty Vegas" on 4 October 2005. The single reached No. 5 on the iTunes Store ranking of daily most downloaded songs on its first day. It peaked at No. 9 in Australia [5] and No. 37 on the Billboard Hot 100, 6] and became a huge radio airplay hit in Fortune's native Canada. On 29 November 2005, Switch —the band's first album with Fortune as lead singer—was released in the United States via Epic Records. The band's new line-up started a world tour in support of Switch in January 2006. [54] In September 2006, INXS and Epic Records parted ways. [55] The band then performed at the 2006 NRL Grand Final. INXS toured Australia and New Zealand in March 2007, with Simple Minds and support band Arrested Development. [56] After the cancellation of a 31 August 2007 show in Cleveland, Ohio, INXS placed a statement on their website stating "Due to ongoing medical issues with Garry Beers' hand, the band's doctor has urged the band to not play more than three shows in a row or risk permanent damage to Garry's hand. 57] The band signed with Petrol Electric Records in December 2008, reuniting them with former manager Chris Murphy. [58] On 16 February 2009, J. Fortune told Entertainment Tonight Canada that INXS had let him go from the band with a shake of the hand at an airport in Hong Kong. [59] On 23 February 2009, Chris Murphy, INXS creative director and global business strategist and former manager, in an interview with The Daily Telegraph, said J. was not sacked and, in fact, the band made it known to him that they had not ruled out seeing a return by Fortune. He also stated J. was next on his list to call regarding a major recording contract he was negotiating for the band. [60] In an interview with Sun Media published on 6 March 2009, J. Fortune clarified his claim that he had been fired at an airport. After returning to Canada from Hong Kong, Fortune believed there were still two more legs of the INXS 2007 tour to complete. When the rest of the tour was cancelled and the band did not return his calls for 10 months, he believed he was out of the band. [61] On 30 November 2009, Andrew Farriss, Jon Farriss, and Kirk Pengilly performed an acoustic version of "Don't Change" with the Qantas Choir at the Pride of Australia Awards. [62] On 8 December 2009, INXS announced they would be embarking on a world tour commencing with a performance in Vancouver for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. [63] The band announced on 11 February 2010 that J. Fortune would be vocalist for the performance at the 2010 Winter Olympics, but that it would be a one-off performance; the band added that a vocalist for the subsequent world tour had yet to be announced. [64] The band performed at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics on 24 February 2010 with guest singers J. Fortune and Argentine singer Deborah de Corral. [65] On 22 April 2010, INXS announced that Fortune would again front the band for a performance on 10 July 2010 at Townsville, QLD, Australia, and then again on 16 July 2010 in Broome, WA, Australia [66] During a radio interview with Kirk Pengilly and J. Fortune in July 2010 just before the Broome concert, Pengilly confirmed that Fortune had returned as the band's permanent singer. In August 2010, Petrol Records issued Australian radio stations with a one-track promo "Never Tear Us Apart" featuring Ben Harper on vocals, a preview from the upcoming INXS Michael Hutchence tribute album Original Sin. On 25 September 2010, the band performed prior to the 2010 AFL Grand Final. On 19 October 2010, it was announced in the Courier Mail that INXS, fronted by J. Fortune, would tour as part of the A Day on the Green winery concerts in February. 67] The band recorded an album in memory of Michael Hutchence titled Original Sin. Released in November 2010, the album featured well-known singers from Australia and around the world, including Ben Harper, Patrick Monahan, and Rob Thomas. [68] 69] 70] 71] In March 2011, INXS confirmed they would return to the United Kingdom and headlining with support from New Zealand band Shihad for an outdoor event called Southern Sounds on Clapham Common, London on Saturday 11 June. [72] The event was an all-Australian, New Zealand and South African celebration lineup, with INXS fronted by J. Fortune. INXS toured extensively throughout 2011 with singer J. Fortune to support the album Original Sin. 2011–2012: Later activities [ edit] The band released a demo of a song, called "Tiny Summer" in streaming format on their official website in September 2011, along with news that J. Fortune had left the band again and that Northern Irish singer-songwriter Ciaran Gribbin would be the band's frontman for their forthcoming tour of Australia, South America and Europe in November and December 2011. [73] On 6 October 2012, INXS were the headline act at the annual charity ball organised by the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondent's Club. [74] During a concert on 11 November 2012 at the newly opened Perth Arena, while supporting Matchbox Twenty, INXS announced that they would no longer be touring. Kirk Pengilly stated that it was appropriate to finish where they had started 35 years earlier. [75] Jon Farriss admitted that he was "getting teary" before the band performed their biggest hit, Need You Tonight. In 2014, INXS released a tell-all history of the band on an Australian television interview special, The Story Behind INXS. During the interview, Jon Farriss made the statement, Never say never" regarding the possibility that the band could record and perform more music in the future. [76] In 2013, Australian TV network Seven Network announced that it would produce a miniseries focusing on the band's behind-the-scenes stories called INXS: Never Tear Us Apart. Band member Tim Farriss was a pre-production consultant on the show. The miniseries commenced production at the end of June 2013 and premiered on 9 February 2014; the finale aired the following Sunday night (16 February 2014. The miniseries rated very highly for both nights and created a renewed interest in the band, which translated to a resurgence in sales of their music that brought them once again to the number one position on the Australian popular music charts. [77] Luke Arnold was cast as Michael Hutchence, Alex Williams as Kirk Pengilly, Nicholas Masters as Tim Farriss, Hugh Sheridan as bass guitarist Gary Beers, Ido Drent as Jon Farriss and Andy Ryan as Andrew Farriss. In addition, Damon Herriman played band manager CM Murphy and Samantha Jade played Kylie Minogue. [78] Given the popularity of this TV miniseries, there was talk of a Broadway musical and a feature film about INXS in the future. [79] In 2019, a documentary film was released about Michael Hutchence titled Mystify. A soundtrack was also released featuring INXS tracks. [80] Band members [ edit] Former members Tim Farriss – lead guitar, backing vocals (1977–2012) Kirk Pengilly – rhythm guitar, saxophone, backing vocals (1977–2012) Garry Gary Beers – bass guitar, double bass, keyboards, backing vocals (1977–2012) Andrew Farriss – keyboards, piano, rhythm guitar, harmonica, percussion, backing vocals (1977–2012) Jon Farriss – drums, percussion, keyboards, backing vocals (1977–2012) Michael Hutchence – lead vocals, rhythm guitar (1977–1997; his death) Jon Stevens – lead vocals (2000–2003) JD Fortune – lead vocals (2005–2011) Ciaran Gribbin – lead vocals (2011–2012) Touring members Jimmy Barnes – lead vocals (1998) Terence Trent D'Arby – lead vocals (1999) Russell Hitchcock – lead vocals (1999) Suze DeMarchi – lead vocals (2000) Jenny Morris – backing vocals (1986) Timeline Discography [ edit] INXS (1980) Underneath the Colours (1981) Shabooh Shoobah (1982) The Swing (1984) Listen Like Thieves (1985) Kick (1987) X (1990) Welcome to Wherever You Are (1992) Full Moon, Dirty Hearts (1993) Elegantly Wasted (1997) Switch (2005) Original Sin (2010) Legacy [ edit] INXS have been cited as an influence by several acts, such as Maroon 5 [81] and Savage Garden. [82] Recognition, awards, and nominations [ edit] According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) INXS has sold over 30 million units in the United States alone, making them the third-highest selling Australian music act in the United States behind AC/DC and The Bee Gees. [83] INXS has sold over 60 million records worldwide. [84] INXS has been nominated for numerous music awards, including ARIA Awards, 8] Grammy Awards, 85] and MTV Video Music Awards. [86. better source needed] ARIA Awards [ edit] INXS has won seven Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Awards. [8] The band was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2001 alongside The Saints. [9] 87] This induction recognised their achievement of a "significant body of recorded work" and that they "had a cultural impact within Australia. 87] INXS has won six other ARIA Awards, including three for 'Best Group' in 1987, 1989 and 1992. [8] Countdown Awards [ edit] Countdown was an Australian pop music TV series on national broadcaster ABC-TV from 1974–1987, it presented music awards from 1979–1987, initially in conjunction with magazine TV Week but then independently. [91] The Countdown Music and Video Awards were succeeded by the ARIA Awards. [91] INXS won seven awards at the 1984 awards ceremony, 1] which was broadcast on 25 May 1985. [92] On 20 April 1986 they won three further Countdown awards for 1985. [93] Grammy Awards [ edit] INXS received three Grammy Award nominations. [85] International Rock Awards [ edit] The International Rock Awards (1989–91) was a music award ceremony broadcast on ABC Television, to honor the top musicians in the genre of rock music. [95] MTV Video Music Awards [ edit] INXS won five MTV Video Music Awards for their 1988 video " Need You Tonight / Mediate. 86] Pollstar Concert Industry Awards [ edit] The Pollstar Concert Industry Awards is an annual award ceremony to honor artists and professionals in the concert industry. [97] Brit Awards [ edit] Juno Awards [ edit] World Music Awards [ edit] Notes [ edit] The video was directed by Richard Lowenstein. [88] Nomination to Niven Garland for engineering INXS tracks "Baby Don't Cry. Heaven Sent" and "Taste It. 89] The video was directed by Richard Lowenstein. [90] Award was shared between Richard Lowenstein for the INXS video "Burn for You" and B Sharp Productions for Mental As Anything video "Apocalypso. 92] Award to Richard Lowenstein and Lynn-Maree Milburn for the INXS video "What You Need. 93] References [ edit] a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s McFarlane, Ian (1999. Encyclopedia entry for 'INXS. Encyclopedia of Australian Rock and Pop. Allen & Unwin. 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Retrieved 25 November 2008. ^ Press release (1 June 1989. Rocks awards: Wilburys' leads list of Elvis winners. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Block Communications: 20. ISSN 1068-624X. ^ a b c d e f "INXS. IMDb. ^ Pollstar Concert Industry Awards Winners Archives – Index. Pollstar. Archived from the original on 26 June 2012. Retrieved 4 December 2010. ^ a b Related Photos (6 June 2011. INXS, The BRIT Awards 2011. Archived from the original on 9 August 2011. Retrieved 1 July 2011. ^ Videos, The BRIT Awards 2012. 19 February 2012. Retrieved 9 October 2019. ^ 1991 – Best International Male – Michael Hutchence, The BRIT Awards 2011. Archived from the original on 12 April 2012. Retrieved 1 July 2011. External links [ edit] Official website INXS at Curlie INXS discography at Billboard INXS discography at MusicBrainz INXS – the Band at h2g2.
Mystify All veils and misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Some silken moment Goes on forever And we're leaving Broken hearts behind Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me I need perfection Some twisted selection That tangles me To keep me alive In all that exists Well, none has your beauty I see your face and I will survive Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Eternally wild with the power To make every moment come alive All those stars that shine upon you Will kiss you every night All veils and misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Some silken moment Goes on forever And we're leaving Yeah we're leaving broken hearts behind Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me You're eternally wild with the power To make every moment come alive All those stars that shine upon you And they'll kiss you every night Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mistifique Todos os véus e neblinas Ruas de Azul Parecem amendoas Que rodam frias Algum momento de seda Vai para sempre E estamos deixando Corações partidos para trás Mistifique Mistifica-me Mistifique Mistifica-me Eu preciso da perfeição Alguma seleção torcida Emaranhando-me Para manter-me vivo Em tudo o que existe Bem, ninguém tem a sua beleza Eu vejo seu rosto E eu vou sobreviver Mistifique Mistifica-me Mistifique Mistifica-me Eternamente selvagem com o poder Para fazer com que cada momento que vêm vivo Todas aquelas estrelas que brilham em cima de você Vai beijá-las todas as noites Todos os véus e neblinas Ruas de Azul Parecem amendoas Que rodam frias Algum momento de seda Vai para sempre E estamos deixando Sim, estamos deixando para trás corações partidos Mistifique Mistifica-me Mistifique Mistifica-me Você está eternamente selvagem com o poder Para fazer com que cada momento vêm vivo Todas aquelas estrelas que brilham em cima de você E elas vão te beijar todas as noites Mistifique Mistifica-me Mistifique Mistifica-me Mistifica-me Mistifique Mistifica-me.
It's been over 22 years since Michael Hutchence of INXS took his life. This 2019 documentary was worth that wait. Beautifully made. The team behind this doc has included so much stunning footage shot by Michael himself, and by those around him, as well as file footage of the time. They've compiled a work of art and a realistic portrait of Hutchence's life. There is so much we learn in this about his final few dramatic and tumultuous years. There are contemporary interviews included, but no video / talking heads of them speaking now. This was the right choice by the filmmakers. It's simply contextual narration over the footage of the time. It was painstakingly edited/produced, and one of the best documents on a musical personality I've seen in decades. Highly recommend.
Mystify. Tras el cantante de institut. I hope we will have here in italy in our cinemas. I love you guys. Can't wait to see you in Milano. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - March 18, 2015 Teatro Municipal de San Felipe estuvo maravilloso el viernes recién pasado (11/5) Volveremos en Junio a los escenarios. Recuerden Amigos de V región: Sabado 11 de Mayo Fiesta CLUB 80 La Fiesta 80's 90's más grande de Chile! Mystify Tributo INXS en vivo Espacio Sporting de Viña del Mar! DISAPPEAR en Gran Casino Talca.
Can't believe you're now 57. We miss you.
I was worried about you, where have you been. The explanation for the ending will be interesting... Mystify. Tras el cantante de inscrire. Todos os véus e Misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Algum momento de seda Goes on forever E nós estamos saindo Corações partidos para trás Mistificar Mystify me Mistificar Mystify me Eu preciso de perfeição Alguns seleção torcida That tangles me Para me manter viva Em tudo que existe Bem, ninguém tem a sua beleza Eu vejo o seu rosto e eu vou sobreviver Mistificar Mystify me Mistificar Mystify me Eternamente selvagem com o poder Para fazer com que cada momento se viva Todas as estrelas que brilham em cima de você Vai beijá-lo todas as noites Todos os véus e Misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Algum momento de seda Goes on forever E nós estamos saindo Sim, estamos deixando para trás corações partidos Mistificar Mystify me Mistificar Mystify me Você está eternamente selvagem com o poder Para fazer com que cada momento se viva Todas as estrelas que brilham em cima de você E vou te beijar todas as noites Mistificar Mystify me Mistificar Mystify me Mistificar Mystify me Mystify.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs album. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs letra. Why did you leave to die. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs piano. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs espanol. Favourite song.R.I.P Michael I miss you. I saw Mystify today at the BFI, with Richard doing a Q&A. Amazing well made documentary film, so recommended. It's emotional, and certainly not a celebration so don't expect to come out feeling happy, but I feel I learnt so much about Michael and why he was the great person he was. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs 2017.
All veils and misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Some silken moment Goes on forever And we're leaving Broken hearts behind Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me I need perfection Some twisted selection That tangles me To keep me alive In all that exists Well, none has your beauty I see your face and I will survive Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Eternally wild with the power To make every moment come alive All those stars that shine upon you Will kiss you every night All veils and misty Streets of blue Almond looks That chill devine Some silken moment Goes on forever And we're leaving Yeah we're leaving broken hearts behind Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me You're eternally wild with the power To make every moment come alive All those stars that shine upon you And they'll kiss you every night Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Mystify Mystify me Mystify.
Dar una visión cercana, más allá de la imagen de gran estrella y del amarillismo que rodeó el suicidio del Michael Hutchence, líder de la banda INXS, es el objetivo que tuvo el cineasta Richard Lowenstein en un documental que presenta en el prestigioso Festival de Cine de Karlovy Vary, en la República Checa. El filme, titulado " Mystify: Michael Hutchence. va alternando videos caseros con otros en los que se ve al cantante australiano en la intimidad, junto a escenas de sus actuaciones, así como entrevistas y opiniones de sus amigos, familiares y parejas, entre ellas la también cantante Kylie Minogue. El australiano Lowenstein (1959) que trabajó durante 13 años rodando los vídeoclips de los mayores éxitos de INSX, como "Need you tonight" o "New Sensations" explica a Efe que su intención ha sido presentar un testimonio fiel sobre la vida y la muerte de Hutchence. El cofundador de INXS tenía 37 años cuando el 22 de noviembre de 1997 su cuerpo sin vida fue hallado en la habitación del hotel en el que se alojaba en Sydney. Por qué la estrella internacional del pop rock decidió quitarse la vida en el momento más brillante de su carrera es una de las muchas preguntas que se plantea el director del largometraje. Las continuas giras, que le separaban de su pareja y sus más allegados, pudieron tener algo que ver con el fatídico desenlace, admite el director, quien por otro lado revela que le cuesta recordar el momento en que se enteró de la muerte del vocalista y compositor con quien compartió multitud de experiencias. " Yo quería que la gente que no le conoció dejara de acudir a los documentales baratos y tuviera un documental fiable, que contara la historia más allá de las chicas, la fiesta o la diversión. explica. Resalta que desde el día en que Hutchence murió, ahorcado con su propio cinturón, tuvo claro que su historia merecía ser contada, aunque en ese momento no se imaginó que sería él quien la llevaría a la gran pantalla. "Creía que ya habría alguien que se encargaría de ello y ni siquiera me planteaba hacerlo yo porque staba demasiado cercano a él. Habría sido muy emocional y nada objetivo" revela. Lowenstein tuvo que dejar pasar más de diez años para poder abordar la tarea pendiente y relatar la vida del cantante desde su punto de vista, el de un amigo cercano. Aun así, admite que tuvo muchas dificultades para dar con el enfoque que imaginaba para esa película, que hoy se estrena en los cines de Australia. Lo que no le faltaron fueron fuentes: entrevistó tanto a las parejas que había tenido el fallecido, como al resto de los miembros de INXS, además de otras estrellas y buenos amigos de Hutchence como el cantante de U2, Bono. " Quería hacer un documental, pero diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados, con gente hablando constantemente. Solo quería vídeos de él, ya que pensaba que no había nadie mejor que Michael Hutchence para representarse a sí mismo. dice Lowenstein. Uno de los aspectos que quiso resaltar en su obra es la visión que Hutchence tenía de las mujeres, por las que sentía un gran respeto y se mostraba muy concienciado en la lucha por sus derechos. " Era un artista a la altura de Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison o John Lennon. Para nosotros fue un héroe nacional" asegura el director al recordar a su compatriota. El grupo INXS alcanzó una gran popularidad en la década de los 80 y los 90, principalmente en Australia, pero también en países como Francia, Argentina o Estados Unidos. El largometraje forma parte de la Selección Oficial de Karlovy Vary, aunque no aspira a ganar el Globo de Cristal que el festival otorga cada año a la mejor película porque la cinta fue presentada ya el pasado abril en el Festival Internacional de Tribeca. 869296 2019-07-04T16:34:57-05:00 article 2019-07-04T16:34:57-05:00 lcontreras_78 none Hugo Barcia / EFE Cine Mystify: un documental para desmitificar a Michael Hutchence 60 4806 4866.
Mystify. Tras el cantante de insurance. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs greatest hits. Mystify. Tras el cantante de. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs de la.
Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs rock. Mystify. Tras el cantante de ins hea.